Your dopamine response, porn addiction and how it’s connected to sex stamina


Summary of why porn is bad if you want to last longer in bed?

1). It messes up your dopamine causing libido issues and conditioning the mind to expect “unrealistic thrills” of sex which aren’t there in actual sex life. The dopamine-prolactin balance gets off which manifests itself in several sex problems like sexual stamina problems.

2). It conditions the body for quick ejaculation. It becomes a habit and the “human mind” tries to quickly get the act done for dopamine release just like a drug addict wants to quickly put the drug into his body to seek pleasure quickly. 

3). Men watching porn bring ridiculously high unnecessary burden and/or insecurity to perform in bed like the actors do in a porn scene.



Internet nowadays allows you to get easy access to all sorts of porn movies, fetishes and sex activities of all kinds. There are many men that watch porn regularly and get the habit of masturbating for a quick orgasm, thinking that it’s normal, everybody does it and there’s nothing wrong with that. While that might be the case for some men, for others porn has tremendous negative effects.

Did you know that porn can rewire your brain and affect your relationship with women on a great level?

The pleasure associated with porn is in fact produced by dopamine, which is responsible for the reward center in the brain. The more dopamine released, the more thrilling an activity seems. The problem with this is that you tend to seek more and more of that thing that causes you pleasure, but the brain can only reach a certain maximum of pleasure, caused by a certain level of dopamine.

Afterwards, prolactin takes charge and inhibits the effect of dopamine, to restore the natural balance. That’s when you feel low and would do anything to get some pleasure again, and so on. It’s a vicious circle that can affect your sex life more than you think.
There are scenarios where men prefer watching porn on their laptop rather than having real sex with their partners. This causes the women to feel rejected and eventually leads to a distance between partners and an overall damaged relationship.

But there’s an explanation for this unnatural behavior that has to do with getting your dopamine response messed up. When men watch porn, they get pleasure out of it. But the longer you consume it, the less pleasure you feel. The brain develops a so called tolerance and you end up needing more and more to get to the same level of pleasure as in the beginning. The same happens with drug addicts – they get hooked but then they seek more and more to get to that euphoric state, because their bodies no longer react the same.

Why excess porn will condition your body to quick ejaculation?

When men watch too much porn, the body simply doesn’t respond the same way to dopamine. You also get dopamine from real sex, but since you get accustomed to a quick release, you’ll seek more and more visual stimulation. This is a never ending cycle – you want more and more porn while you get less and less pleasure out of it.

In fact, psychologists explain how you can end up not been aroused at all, because your dopamine response gets numb when over used. That’s what happens when you play with dopamine levels in your body – the downside of any addiction.

Many men also watch porn movies and start believing that that type of sex is the right one, no matter how unnatural that may be. This causes them to have the same expectations out of real sex as they see in those movies. The problem is that porn stars are paid for their job and don’t necessarily enjoy all those twisted things, while real women have different reactions and like to be stimulated in different ways.

There is no sexual rule available to all women. But when you watch porn and then find yourself in bed with a woman, you’ll tend to project what you’ve seen in the movies into reality, and often there’s no compatibility. You may find yourself asking how come your lady doesn’t seem to enjoy this or that, the porn stars in the movies seems to be thrilled about it. But the truth is that porn is a lie!

When we’re teenagers, we watch porn thinking that’s how you make sex, but nobody tells you those are professional actors. You may end up with insecurities as well, thinking you’re not well endowed or that you’re a loser since you can’t perform for hours. And it’s not just men that affected by porn. Women too watch it and they often end up thinking there’s something wrong with them if they don’t get around by the same things that arouse the girls in the movies, when in fact, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them.

Porn watcher’s partners are often encountering insecurities, a lack of communication and a bad sex life. This can seriously damage your relationship and leave you with no pleasure at all. Dopamine response gets worn off while your partner feels more and more estranged – that doesn’t sound too good, does it?

Porn can lead to the total lack of a real sex life, since it promises a world full of thrills and excitement that you can never seem to find in the real world. Getting your act back together may tack a long time, not to mention that porn warps the ideas revolved around sex. Don’t forget that porn is in fact a business and producers try to outrun each other by creating more and more extreme acts.

This can break your limits and make your think that even the most humiliating sex acts are somewhat considered normal – the porn stars seem to enjoy it, don’t they?

Men also start watching porn to somewhat fulfill their fantasies, but as it turns out, porn will affect those fantasies too. Instead of trying to get what you want in real life with a flash and blood partner that can react in different ways, you are made believe that all fantasies should be fulfilled by your partner. When that doesn’t happen, you feel bad and seek all sorts of partners that would be willing to.

Many couples are misled by porn movies into thinking they need to do this or that to be able to call their sex life fulfilling, forgetting about their real pleasures. As you increase porn consumption and reduce the reward and pleasure you get out of it, you’ll feel more and more unsatisfied and insecure, since you can’t get what you’ve seen in those movies in real life.

So, it’s time to NORMALIZE your brain’s dopamine response and try to get a hold of your partner first when u seek pleasure. It may save you a lot of misleads and trouble.

Summary of why porn is bad if you want to last longer in bed?

1). It messes up your dopamine causing libido issues and conditioning the mind to expect “unrealistic thrills” of sex which aren’t there in actual sex life. The dopamine-prolactin balance gets off which manifests itself in several sex problems like sexual stamina problems.

2). It conditions the body for quick ejaculation. It becomes a habit and the “human mind” tries to quickly get the act done for dopamine release just like a drug addict wants to quickly put the drug into his body to seek pleasure quickly. 

3). Men watching porn bring ridiculously high unnecessary burden and/or insecurity to perform in bed like the actors do in a porn scene.


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